Synapsys Decision Engine

Control solutions for your building applications

Imagine being able to implement a simple yet powerful control solution for any interfaced device or make decisions on incoming energy data, without the need for licences or extensive training.

Offering a multitude of benefits including cost-effectiveness, scalability, and fast implementation, our Decision Engine driver provides a new and efficient control solution for Systems integrators, controls specialists and end users alike.

Easy to create Control Logic

Using our free to download Windows® based Decision Engine Tool, you can create your control logic on your PC and once complete simply download it into your SIP+ or SIP2 device which has the decision engine driver installed.

The Decision engine tool is built up using a series of blocks, these blocks are connected using links to inputs and outputs from each block to another.

The order in which the blocks are evaluated is set by means of an Execution Position table that can be edited to ensure the correct sequence of blocks.

Data blocks available include:

  • Mathematical - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.
  • Logical - and, or, not, etc.
  • Time - current time/date, time schedule, pulses, etc.
  • Comparison - greater than, lower than, equals
  • Other blocks including - delay,counter, hours run, PID loop, and many more.
  • There are also Event blocks for monitoring real time events and sending email alerts

The Decision Engine Tool also includes functions to add/remove pages in a project, printing the Control Logic programme, or connecting to a live device already running the program and visualising the output of each block for debugging purposes.

Selected portions of Decision Engine blocks can be copied and pasted between this project and into another project when running multiple instances of the Decision Tool.

Available within our SIP+ and SIP2 hardware

Our SIP+ and SIP2 products with the Decision Engine driver installed provides an innovative solution designed to enable seamless integration, improved interoperability, greater connectivity, and now a control solution, all in one neat package.

Users will no longer have to grapple with complex and expensive systems just to get some control in place. With our SIP+ and SIP2 solutions, you can wave goodbye to high on-boarding hurdles and embrace a new era of simplicity, ease, and effectiveness.

Decision Engine - Control for your applications

SIP+ and SIP2 hardware with the Decision Engine driver installed provides you with another option when or if you want to implement control logic for an application or project. The Decision Engine driver is completely customisable by you, so you can truly tailor the control to your requirements or your customers needs. Some example applications include:

  • AC control
  • AC and UFH control
  • Chiller management
  • Load shedding
  • Analogue to digital
  • Leak detection alarming
  • Communicable I/O (modbus etc)

With so many potential applications for plant control, system optimisation, energy efficiency, alarms, plus many more, the possibilities are endless and can now be enabled using our SIP+ and SIP2 products with our Decision Engine driver installed.


Is there a demo? You can download the free tool from SIP Integrator to start creating your own control logics. If you would like to test it on your SIP+ or SIP2 device, we can assist you with upgrading them to have the Decision Engine driver installed. Please contact us for more information.

Where can I download the Decision Engine Tool? The free tool is available on our SIP Integrator support portal under the tools section, accompanied by a how-to guide and example logic programs for you to view and edit as you wish.

How are large strategies visualised/collated? Decision engine logics can span multiple pages within the tool and are viewable, printable, savable, and exportable across SIP+ and SIP2 products.

Does it come with a display solution? Currently, real-time values can be accessed through SIP devices running the Decision Engine driver. We are also exploring a dedicated display solution, so stay tuned for updates in the coming months.

Does this mean you can provide I/O? On board I/O is not currently an option within the SIP hardware. Should you require I/O, third party Modbus I/O devices are compatible with the SIP+ and SIP2 hardware. Please let us know if you would like further details on this.

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more or have any questions about our New Decision Engine and its capabilities, please contact your local Synapsys Account Manager, call us on 01444 246 128 or email us at

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